Learning How to Pass and Catch an American Football, Ball

I learnt how to pass and catch an American Football, ball.

I first learnt how to throw the ball so when we go in to groups we will know how to throw.

I learnt when throwing the ball we hold it with our ring finger and our little finger on the third lace with a strong grip. We also throw the ball with an L shape and throw it forward and sometimes upwards.

Before we next went in to groups we learnt how to catch the ball. I learnt when catching the ball we hold it in a triangle shape outstretched. We wrap the ball with our fingers.

I enjoyed learning how to throw and catch an American Football, ball. I threw the ball well because I have strong arms. I need to get better at catching the ball because I some times accidently don’t catch the ball in a triangle shape.

SSR Selfie – Sharks

I completed a task called SSR Selfie by reading a book called “Sharks”

First I read the, first page which told me what type of bones sharks have and how many species are in the world and how much are in New Zealand. The book said that sharks don’t have bones but they have cartilige instead. The book also said their are 1, 250 species of sharks in the world but New Zealand only has 112.

The next page was talking about the Great white shark and how long it is. At birth the Great white shark is as long as 1.5 meters but grows to be 6 meters. The book also said that the female Great white sharks are longer.

I liked reading this book because sharks are one of my favorite under water creatures. I was good at writing down the 3 pieces of information but I need to improve on explaining the words more specifically.

Ki O Rahi Skills

I learnt some Ki O Rahi skills and revised how to step.

First we revised how to step an opponent. For a warm up we played a game of octopus.

Next we learnt how to pass and catch the ball. I learnt that when throwing the ball I need to throw it from my chest, in a W-shape and my dominant foot need’s to be behind.

I learnt when catching the ball I need to catch it in a W-shape and lean back then passing it leaning forward to my regular posistion.

Then we got in to groups of 3 then we went in a triangle position. The first round we had to pass the ball around to eacthother 10 times but the other rounds we had to do it 20 times.

I enjoyed learning how to pass, catch and revising how to step. I caught the ball well because my hands can spread out good. I need to improve on throwing the ball because I sometimes acidently don’t throw it in a W-shape.

Commanding Conversation

I completed a homework task called, Commanding Conversation.

First I thought of what image I should use. I chose the image of a man that I named Steven pointing at a boat with kids that I think are his children.

Next I wrote down a conversation that fits the scene. The conversation was about Steven seeing the boat and thought maybe he should get his boat.

I like doing commanding conversation because it teaches me how to write good conversations. I was good at giving the characters their names because simple names are easier to think of then complicated names. I need to improve on choosing harder images because the images I choose are too easy.

The Remarkabale Reti

I learnt about a Reti from a book called, The Remarkabale Reti with different jobs in my group.

I learnt that a reti looks like a surfing board for small dogs or a skateboard with no wheels. And although it might look funny it is designed to catch Kahawai and other predatory fish in the Mohaka river. It also has a hand held line and a lure.

The jobs were leader, comprehender, antagonist and clarifier.

First the leader read out a question with an online voice recorder. The question was, what is a Reti?

Next the comprehender gave an answer that fit the question and what was in the book or what they knew.

Lastly the antagonist disagreed with an answer that was different answer. Then we all swapped roles until everyone got leader with different questions each time.

I liked giving my own answer because I liked giving my opinion. I didn’t like disagreeing with people because it made me feel like I am giving my own opinion and not letting anyone give there own opinion. I need to improve on being the leader because I can’t think of any questions to say.

Kellysports – Ki O Rahi

I learned about the Ki O Rahi areas next and outside of the bins area.

First coach Chelsea said to Ms.White to watch a video called “The legend of Rahi.”

Next coach Chelsea told us what the areas were called on the Ki O Rahi field.

Finally we played a game. The game was about running to the areas that coach Chelsea said.

I enjoyed running to the areas but I didn’t like running to the red area. I was good at naming some areas, some areas are hard for me to say though. I need to improve on remembering the areas to go to.

Te Reo Maori

I learnt how to pronounce large numbers in Maori.

First Whaea Odie spread out some cards and we had to say the number in Maori. She said “Ho mai…” And then a number after she said that and we had to give her the card that has the same number that she said.

Next we did the same thing but 2 digit numbers not one. E.g 22, we would have to give her two 10 cards and a 2 card. In Maori this is: Rua tekau ma rua.

I enjoyed this task because it taught me how to pronounce Maori numbers more better. I was good at pronouncing the numbers I knew because I already new them. I need to improve on pronouncing new maori numbers I can not say.

Parts Of Speech

English words can be categorised into 8 or 9 different kinds of words. The different kinds are called “parts of speech”. The easiest ones to learn are nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

Nouns and adjectives:

A noun is a character or thing that you can talk about. For example, on the first slide brothers is in the noun category because it is a thing you can talk about.

An adjective are words describing nouns. It also gives quality to the sentence. An example for of this is on the second page, friendly is in the adjective category because you can have a sentence with the words friendly brothers in it

Verbs and adverbs:

A verb gives a sentence action of movement, action of thoughts and actions of being. For example, on the second page, went is in the verb category because it is an action of movement.

Adverbs are just like adjectives just they describe verbs but sometimes it describes adjectives. An example, is a lot. A lot is in the adverbs category because you can have went a lot in your sentence and it would make sense.

The part of speech are ways that a word is used in a sentence to make it sound better.

Kelly Sports Soccer

Today LS1 learned some soccer skills on the field. Our coach’s name was Chelsea.

First we learned how to dribble the soccerball. We were split into two teams and we played against each other. We had to dribble the ball to the other side and put our hands on our heads.

After we were put into pairs we learned how to pass and stop the ball. When we pass the ball our non dominate foot should be facing where we want to pass.

At the end we played a big game of soccer. The goal was to pass the ball amongst your team 8 times.

I enjoyed playing the game of soccer because I could decide where to kick. I did well on dribbling the ball because I can dribble fast. I need to improve on my passing because I sometimes hit too hard.

Parts of a clock

This week I made a google drawing telling the parts of a clock.

First I went on an online clock website and set the clock to a random time then put the clock on the google drawing.

Next I wrote down the parts of the clock being the hour divisions, minute divisions, minute hand, the second hand and the hour hand.

I then wrote the sides and rotations being the “to” side, “past” side, clockwise and anti-clockwise.

I liked this task because it told me parts of a clock that I didn’t know. I was good at writing down the parts of the clock. I need to improve on my arrow placement to not make it too close to each other.