I learnt how to summarise by reading Rahi and the Patupaiarehe.
First we went onto the cultural stories list to read the story. The story is about Rahi and Ti Ara. Ti Ara goes to a forest and gets lifted by a Patupaiarehe.
Next we wrote down the 20 most important words. The first 3 important words are Patupaiarehe, Rahi and Ti Ara.
Lastly we wrote down the 6 most improtant words from the 20 important words. We also summed up the story in a few sentences. The 6 words are Rahi, Ti ara, Froze, Moa, Patupaiarehe and Taniwha.
I liked learning how to summarise by reading Rahi and the Patupaiarehe. I was good at writing down some important words. I need to improve on adding more important words.